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Launch of Q ENERGY France: a new brand for a new era

RES SAS, the historic French renewable energy project development and construction company, previously affiliated with the UK's RES Group and acquired in 2021 by the Korean company Hanwha Solutions, today adopts its new identity and becomes Q ENERGY France.

A new identity for a well-known player

Q ENERGY France is today entering the French green energy landscape with 23 years of experience under its belt: this is the new identity of RES SAS, one of the historical independent leaders in the development of renewable energy projects in France, previously affiliated to the RES group.

To drive change, the company is unveiling a new, strong and differentiating brand whose visual universe revolves around a holistic circle, a symbol representing its positioning as a global player in green energy, operating across the entire value chain and offering comprehensive services for the production and supply of sustainable energy.

"It is with great enthusiasm that we enter this new chapter in the history of our company with the support of our new shareholder. This shift allows us to strengthen our presence on the French market in all our business sectors and to work on our expansion into new promising fields for the future" says Jean-François Petit, Managing Director of Q ENERGY France.

A global player in the service of tomorrow's energy solutions

Specialising in the development and construction of onshore and offshore wind and solar projects, and already active in the repowering market and development of energy storage solutions, Q ENERGY France is continuing to grow and expand into new areas such as floating solar power and agrivoltaics. The company is also exploring new innovative fields such as green hydrogen and hybrid solutions in order to provide an ever more complete offer, adapted to France's energy needs.

"Q ENERGY France aims to be a leading smart energy solutions company. We produce green electricity from the energy generated by the sun and wind, our goal is to offer the ability to store this energy or convert it into green hydrogen through sustainable, smart and affordable solutions to accelerate the national energy transition" adds Jean-François Petit, Managing Director.

A local partner at the service of the territories

Then as now, in the continuity of the work done and the relationships built over the last 23 years thanks to a strong territorial commitment, Q ENERGY is positioned as a trusted local partner. Its teams are spread across 6 agencies throughout France to be as close as possible to the projects they develop, to the stakeholders and to the people in the territories where they are implanted.

Q ENERGY France is both a global player and a local partner. 23 years of experience in the service of tomorrow's energy solutions: the performance of a pioneer and the energy of the new.